Are You Sacrificing What You Want Most for What You Want Now?

The things of beauty and wonder take time….

Why do we get agitated when a reply to text or email does not come through when we want it to? Why when wireless decides to take a connection vacation, we freak out as if the world is going to end?

Why? Because we have adopted the collective behavior of demanding instant gratification. We want faster computers, relationships at the click of a button, instant messaging, single-click purchasing, instant coffee; everything is instant, instant, instant!

We put so much emphasis on having wishes granted and having them right now. Doing so is a natural human behavior. But have you ever asked for something and had your request honored only to look back days, months, or even years later, and say, “maybe that wasn’t the best thing for me.”?   

Fortunately and unfortunately, we can, and do manifest our desires. We each embody the ability to apply enough focus and energy to a wish and make it so, resulting in getting what we want. Yet, often what we ‘think’ we want is not what is best suited for us at that time or ever.

It is common for us to wrestle with the concept of universal timing. We have tremendous difficulty surrendering to it. But in comparison to the eternal timeline, our existence here on earth is but a fraction of a second, yet when a day, week, or year passes after expressing a desire, we become uneasy or frightened, believing our dreams will not be actualized. The truth is, in some cases they will and in others they won’t, and sometimes, more often than not, there is an even greater gift or circumstance waiting to be granted to us and at just the right moment.

There is a quote I love that says, “The cause of most man’s unhappiness is sacrificing what he wants most for what he wants now.”

We cannot see into the future and so truly have no idea what is best for us. We may think we know, but our certainty is based on thoughts and since thoughts are not reality, we return to a place of genuinely not knowing. It is in the ‘not knowing’ that our presently un-illuminated path of life lies.

When we surrender to letting our journey unfold naturally, it means we do not wait for a reply. We do not expect an answer. Rather, we accept what is and avoid having expectations of what will be and each new moment lights our way. Through surrender and trust we receive our answers, our gifts, and blessings exactly when and how they will most profoundly and positively impact our lives.

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