So You Have Broken New Years Resolutions

How has week one of the New Year been treating you? Did you set any intentions you would like to share? If it was a limited intake of simple carbs and more home cooked meals you committed to, why the sad face? Oh…you are feeling defeated because you ate out twice last week and the bread basket delivered a warm and chewy resolution nemesis you had to devour in order to make him vanish. Take a deep breathe…it is NO BIG DEAL!

Last month I shared a message about setting intentions and goals for the New Year while practicing detachment from the outcome. When you proceed without demands to rigidly follow an architectural blueprint, you are free to build as you go and impart personal touches, which adds character and charm to your structure. Unforeseen or unplanned accents are often the resulting gifts of imperfection.

Embracing our challenges and shortcomings illuminates the vivid pigments of our unique watercolor of life. With each stroke of difficulty and dribbles of weakness, we paint a beautiful masterpiece that is truly one-of-a-kind and stunning in its own way. So please know it is okay if you need to start over. Better yet, just pick up where you left off and see what image emerges. I bet it will be even more brilliant and bold than you had expected.

If you are still craving a structured plan for achieving your goals this year (a request of a few friends and clients,) I would like to give you a gift today in honor of you committing to a year of healthy transformation and inner peace, and to thank you for giving me the gifts of your love, inspiration, and support. This token of my appreciation is a valuable Resolution Guide for actualizing your goals and intentions. Please use it as just that…. A Guide. Engage with flexibility, fun, and an open-mind and give yourself permission to create…revise…and re-create!

A Step-by-Step Guide for<br /><br /><br /><br /><br /> Accomplishing Your Resolutions

Wishing you a vibrant weekend!

Photo Credit:  If You Could

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