Garlic Carrot Dream Juice

I know you are probably thinking I must be crazy add garlic to fresh squeezed juice, but I promise you this creamy delight is delicious and perfect to combat a cold or flu, and I don’t smell after drinking it…I’ve asked.  Raw garlic provides one of nature’s best defenses against viruses and bacteria so if you think adding it to your chicken soup is going to provide the same benefit, think again.  For maximum immune boosting strength, not only does the garlic need to be raw, its cell wall must be crushed, so blending, juicing, or mashing are your best options for potency.




2 golden beets, whole and scrubbed

3 medium carrots, scrubbed

1 Fuji apple (or other mildly sweet type)

1 small garlic clove, peeled

4 celery stalks


Pass all ingredients through a juicer and enjoy immediately.


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