Make Fiber Your Friend

Eating a diet rich in fiber is not optional if you want a happy belly and svelte bod.  As a matter of fact, fiber is ESSENTIAL for regular digestive function, beating belly bloat, and helping you to eat less by making you feel fuller longer.  To reap these benefits, humans needs 30-35 grams of fiber per day, yet Americans rarely consume more than 15.  If you are falling victim to the fiber deficit, check out these fiber rich foods and accompanying recipes and enjoy a fiber feast!



Remember the days of steamed artichokes served with a side of melter butter or mayonnaise?  Did your family fight over the delicate heart?  In our family, the buttery center beneath the leaves was carefully divided into five segments.  A big tease if you ask me.  Now I make artichokes and keep them all to myself and when I do, I get nearly 12 grams of fiber.  When I feel like being really indulgent, I just eat the hearts and get 7 grams of fiber in one cup.  Butter and mayo are not the accompaniment anymore, but rather I season, marinate and grill the entire choke.  Get the recipe now for Sugar and Spice Crusted Artichokes.  


I could go on and on about the health benefits of consuming lentils.  They are a superior food with around 30% of their calories being protein and they contain a minimum of 12 grams of fiber per serving.  Some varieties like the Black Beluga (sounds sexy doesn’t it?) have 15 grams of fiber.  Lentils are also a good source of iron, folate, phosphorus, and zinc.

There are at least a dozen varieties ranging in size and colors of orange, red, pink, brown, yellow, green, and black.  Cook up a batch and enjoy them in soups, stews, casseroles, salads, mix into veggie burgers, or purée for a bean-free hummus.  Try our Citrus Lentil Salad!


In addition to tasting amazing and being a crowd pleaser, one cup of guacamole has 14 grams of fiber.  A single medium-sized avocado, if you choose to eat it as a simple snack, has 12 grams.  So not only do you get healthy monounsaturated fats, creamy flavor and texture, you also get one-third of your required daily fiber.  Enjoy a creamy soup with base of avocados in our Cilantro-Lime and Avocado Purée.


Chia Seeds

Ch-Ch-Ch-Chia!  You know the jingle for the beloved chia pet.  Had we known then what we know now, we would have been eating rather than gifting the goofy figurines.  Just one tablespoon of chia seeds has 6 grams of fiber and they expand up to nine times their size when combined with a liquid.  This makes them ideal for helping you feel full longer.  Blend then into smoothies, sprinkle on oatmeal, add to granola, whip into salad dressings or use them in desserts like our Pumpkin Spice Chia Pudding.  


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