So What’s It Going To Be This Year?

We are just one week away from the much anticipated 2012 year and this is the time to get centered and take a look at the past year to evaluate what was fabulous and what you could have done without.  Since we like to always focus on the positive, take some time this week to write down all the ways you showed up for your body.  Maybe you drank more purified water, or maybe you got your tush to the gym, practiced yoga, ran or took up dancing.  Maybe you learned to slow your mind and practice conscious breathing.  Whatever you did to this past year to Elevate Your Wellbeing, plan to repeat your good habits in 2012 and add a couple more.  Here are some Haute Habit recommendations for this coming year!

•  MEDITATE:  Sometimes we hear, read, or see something that gets committed to memory and it gets so deeply rooted in our brain that later we can’t access it.  How frustrating is that?!  Well this can easily be corrected and you can feel on top of your game by slowing down your mind and connecting with your inner light.  During meditation you slow brainwave activity to a level where you can access lost information, manifest joy, abundance, and prosperity, and reprogram thoughts that are not serving you in the highest and best way possible.  A simple and effective tool to achieve this meditative state is The Alpha Mind System.  This series of mp3 downloads safely guides you in and out of mediation allowing you to make positive and lasting changes.

•  HYDRATE:  Dehydration is evil and causes skin to look sallow, joints to ache, thighs to swell, and digestion to be sluggish (i.e. constipation..shhhh.)  And just an FYI, you do not hydrate by drinking any old liquid.  So your Caramel Macchiato and Cinnamon Dolce Latte do not count, nor do your mimosas and cosmos.  To stay hydrated take up the habit of drinking purified water and supplement with young coconut water.  A convenient and effective way to hydrate your bod is to drink 30-40 ounces of fresh, purified water first thing in the morning.  This action helps to eliminate toxins built up through the night, wakes you up, and gets a good chunk of your recommended daily intake out of the way.  The minimum quantity of water you should drink daily is 1/2 ounce for every pound you weigh.

•  EAT YOUR GREENS:  How many times do we hear this phrase?  That’s because it’s super important.  And certified organic greens are best.  Leafy greens like kale, beet greens, chard, spinach, and collards boost the immune system, support digestive health, give you energy, help to ward off disease and fight cancer.  Eating your greens does not need to be a daunting task.  As a matter of fact, you can enjoy your greens by mixing them with chocolate like in our Chocolate Greens Smoothie.  Or just add a handful of chard or kale to your soups and stews, or chop some up to add to your salad.  You don’t need to eat a pound per day.  This year working on adding in 2 to 3 cups per day (easy in a smoothie) and when you have the glow of good health, your pals will all be green with envy!

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