How to Use a Neti Pot Safely

If you haven’t experienced the exhilarating results of rinsing  your nasal passages with warm salt water via a neti pot, you are missing out.  Neti pot irrigation works wonders for sinus infections, colds, allergies and nasal congestion, but there are very specific usage requirements for irrigating safely so be sure to abide as improper use of a net pot can result in death.

Louisiana’s state health department issued a warning last week after two deaths were thought to be linked to improper neti pot practice.  During the investigation, it was found both victims had filled their pots with regular ole tap water instead of the manufacturer-recommended distilled or sterilized water.   (I’ve done this!! and certainly will NEVER do it again.)

State health officials believe brain-eating amoebas known as Naegleria fowleri, which CAN live in tap water, entered the victims’ bodies through their nasal passages, made their way into the brain, and then infected each victim with a neurological toxin known as Primary Amoebic Meningoencephalitis (PAM).  This toxin quickly destroys brain tissue, resulting in death in just a couple of days.  Living in Las Vegas, it is common to hear of Amoeba-related deaths from folks diving into Lake Mead in the summer months when the water is very warm.  This is when Amoebas are active and it is the water Pressure being forced deep into the nasal cavities that allows the microorganisms to get in.  They will not harm you from drinking the water (However I don’t support drinking unfiltered water so more on that later) or from showering or swimming among them.

So as not to belabor the point, here are a few tips for neti pot safety:

  • Always make sure your neti pot is disinfected before using.  Clean it thoroughly after each use with soap and hot water, and store it upright in a well-ventilated area, such as the bathroom counter, so it has a chance to dry out completely before the next use.
  • Only fill your pot with DISTILLED or STERILIZED water.  You can use tap water: just be sure to boil it for at least five minutes and then allow it to cool before using.
  • Use regular salt or specific neti pot salt only. Do not use iodized salt since it can cause irritation. Store the salt in a sealed container to prevent contamination.
  • Don’t share your neti pot with others to avoid passing germs.
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